Laser Genesis

Laser Genesis skin therapy is an innovative, technologically advanced way to promote vibrant and healthy looking skin in men and women.

Now you can have a youthful appearance by treating those conditions that are typically associated with premature signs of aging and sun damage, such as excessive redness, large pores, uneven texture, and fine line wrinkles. The Laser Genesis procedure has been scientifically proven to produce new collagen. *Results may vary

The Laser Genesis difference.
The Laser Genesis procedure utilizes non-invasive laser technology to safely, discretely and effectively treat fine-line wrinkles, diffuse and excessive redness and helps manage large pores, uneven skin texture, and scars. It can also potentially treat acne and acne scarring. *Results may vary

You can expect to see subtle yet consistent results after each treatment, without unwanted side effects such as bruising or excessive skin irritation. Treatments are performed in a relaxed, comfortable manner without the use of topical anesthetics or gel.


How does Laser Genesis work?
By gently heating the upper dermis well below your skin’s surface, Laser Genesis stimulates collagen regrowth. Additional heat is generated in dilated capillaries to reduce redness. *Results may vary

How many treatments will I need?

The treatment results are often subtle. On average, you may require four to six treatments in order to achieve optimal results. Every patient’s condition and needs vary. When you come in for your consultation, we will give you information tailored to your particular needs.

What are the possible side effects?
Most patients report few if any side effects. The most common is a slight redness that disappears within a few hours of treatment. *Results may vary

What does it feel like?
Laser Genesis is very comfortable; it’s sometimes called the warm laser facial. You will feel a warming sensation on your skin as the hand piece is slowly moved back and forth about a half-inch above your skin.

What can I expect afterwards?
Over the course of four to five treatments, Laser Genesis can help restore the skin’s youthful glow and appearance by smoothing out uneven texture caused by aging, sun damage or scars. You will see a more even, healthy complexion as large pores are reduced in size, and minor imperfections are diminished. The individual treatment results are subtle, but the overall effect of multiple treatments can be quite dramatic.

Is it safe?
Yes; hundreds of thousands of Laser Genesis treatments have been done to date with no adverse effects. As with all medical procedures there is a slight degree of risk, and we will discuss this with you thoroughly when you come in for your consultation.

How much does it cost?
At your consultation, we can give you an idea as to the number of treatments and the specific price.

Can anyone have it done?
Yes. Adults of all ages and all skin types can benefit from Laser Genesis and can have it done year round. We can even treat tanned skin. *Results may vary