Zerona Protocol

Welcome to ZERONA® – the safe, new body slimming, low-level laser proven to remove fat and reduce inches without invasive surgery. There are no needles, no incisions, and no recovery time needed. ZERONA works by creating a transitory pore in the cell membrane, causing fat cells to release their content (fat) into the interstitial space. The excess fat is then passed through the body during its normal course of detoxification and you lose inches.

Your Treatments, Step-by-Step

ZERONA is six to twelve treatment sessions, administered over a two to four-week period of time. For added results, discuss additional ZERONA treatments with your physician.
ZERONA is a low-level laser that does not produce heat. It is completely non-invasive, and has never shown any recorded side effects. During the procedure, patients generally feel nothing.

  1. Before your first treatment and after your last, your measurements will be taken and recorded. Try on your tight jeans, shorts, or skirt at the start and finish of the treatment period.
  2. For each treatment, remove your clothes that cover the target area, leaving your undergarments or bathing suit on, and lay down on the table wearing the safety goggles. The technician will direct the ZERONA lasers at the target areas, most often waist, hips, and thighs.
  3. Each treatment is 40 minutes – 20 minutes lying on your back; and 20 minutes on your front.
  4. For best results, it’s critical to follow scheduled appointments.

Achieve Your Maximum Success

By following these steps everyday, you will achieve the maximum results from ZERONA:

Hydrate – Drink at least eight 8 oz. glasses of water each day (2-3 liters). Eliminate caffeinne.

Walk – Maintain your regular workout routine consisting of walking for 30 minutes every day or equivalent such as a 10 minute Whole Body Vibration program. Wear a compression garment such as Spanx or Under Armour.

Watch your diet – Eliminate alcohol completely, and reduce fat intake. This allows your kidneys, liver and lymphatic systems to quickly metabolize the excess fat.

Keep your appointments – Keep to your scheduled treatments, with no more than three days between appointments. The fat tissue responds more quickly when treated every 48 hours.

What You Can Expect

After completion, the protocol clinical trials resulted in an average of 3.64 inches lost across the 5 measurement points, with some patients losing much more. Many patients do not see noticeable results until toward the end of the three weeks. Don’t get discouraged and stay with the protocol. As with any procedure results will vary and may be more dramatic from one patient to the next.


For more  information, please browse our explanation of Zerona, extensive FAQ section, video offerings and client reviews:

What is Zerona?

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