The Drop Out Sheet

If you look at this sheet at the beginning of your program, make a personal commitment to go through this

drop-out sheet before quitting:

I ____________________, engage myself to go through and answer these questions with honesty and objectivity should I ever want to abandon my program.

Date: ________________________

Signature: ____________________________


When you feel like quitting your program, stop for a few seconds and answer these questions:

1.     You feel like quitting, why?


2.     Write at least 1 to 3 other reasons that make you want to quit:




3.     Write down what your goal was:

I wanted to weigh: _________________________

4.     Write down at least 5 benefits that you were looking for:






5.     At the beginning of your program, did you intend to succeed without encountering any hardships or temptations to quit?       Yes      No

6.     Why do you want to quit?

a)     Guilt feelings after a deviation

b)     Feelings of deprivation, because you can’t reward yourself with food (is it a reward or a punishment?)

c)     Lack of discipline

d)     Feeling that you don’t deserve to be slim

e)     Feeling of being isolated from others

f)      Success takes too much time

g)     You’ll have to control yourself for the rest of your life

h)     Somebody’s negative remarks

i)      A negative emotion you cannot control

j)      You really think that you’re a hopeless case

k)     Program is too expensive

l)      People that I love, don’t understand my behaviour

m)   Fear of losing a loved person

7.     Is it, or are they realistic reasons? (If you are not sure before answering, ask for help from an objective person, or from your counsellor).

a)     Yes

b)     No

8.     Find a solution for each of the above reason(s): (except quitting your diet, because that isn’t really a solution).

a)     ________________________________________________________________

b)     ________________________________________________________________

c)     ________________________________________________________________

9.     Which solutions are better? Quitting or your other solutions? Write them down:




10.  Now imagine yourself tomorrow, if you quit:

a)     Will you be happier?

b)     Will you be more satisfied with yourself?

c)     Will you be in better health?

d)     Will you be more loved by yourself?

e)     Will your life be without problems forever?




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