I fell very well and I learn from my errors. It’s fantastic to be able to improve. I always do my best. When I make a mistake, I take advantage of it to improve, to be a better person. It’s fantastic! It’s always positive. I like to evaluate my behaviour. Every day I evaluate my successes and I’m proud of myself. Every day I evaluate my difficulties and I’m proud of myself, because I’m going to be a better person. I like to be a better person and my errors are fantastic opportunities to be a better me. I always do my best and it’s normal to make mistakes. I take advantage of them to be a better person. It’s fantastic! I’m a positive person! I evaluate my successes and my difficulties in order to be a better person. I’m a positive person. My errors are fantastic opportunities to be a better me. I always do my best and it’s normal to make mistakes. I like to take advantage of these mistakes to be a better person. I feel good when I take advantage of these mistakes to be a better person. I like to be a better person.



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