Stampede Diet – What to do if you fell off the wagon
Here in Calgary, Stampede time offers many challenges to those who try to take a healthy approach to eating. With the multitude of beer tents, pancake breakfasts, BBQs, and deep fried food, it’s no wonder so many of us add a few extra pounds during the “greatest outdoor show on earth.”
The week after Stampede can bring regrets if you’ve indulged a bit more than you wanted to. That’s why we want to let you know that no matter how hard you fell of that wagon, you can always get back on.
Here are Lefebre and Burke Weight Loss & Laser Centre we’ve constructed a little something that we call “The Failure Sheet.” This sheet is going to help you take those feelings of defeat and turn them around into feelings of hope and optimism, no matter how down in the dumps you feel.
So if you’re ready, let’s take a look – View ‘The Failure Sheet’
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